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A Simple Way to Support BVU's Future

Alice Hoffmeier Is Paying It Forward to Future Students

Alice Hoffmeier

"If anyone is thinking of adding BV to their will, they should DO IT!"
—Alice Hoffmeier '58

Buena Vista University alumna Alice Hoffmeier '58 feels that supporting her alma mater by naming BVU in her will was a simple way to give back to the university that made her into the person she is today.

"Putting BVU in my will was very simple. All it took was a phone call to my lawyer to have the wording inserted. It is my pleasure and a privilege to make this gift. I feel privileged I am financially able because of my education. It is a pleasure because of my love for BV."

Alice and her late husband, Norvin, who was a CPA and a graduate of the University of Iowa, shared a love of music. Alice taught music in the Cedar Rapids school system. "I am thankful for everything BV did for me. I want to give back so future students can benefit from the same wonderful education I received. If anyone is thinking of adding BV to their will, they should DO IT! They need to think about how they benefited from their BV education, choose this simple way to say thank you and help future students."

Supporting BVU's future is easy, and it has a lasting impact on our students. To discover more ways you can give, contact Matt Astleford ’02, MBA, CFRE at 712.749.2648 or